Monday, July 1, 2013

Back to life....back to reality

Most of my friends use Twitter and Facebook to sell or promote something. I have decided that this says more about my friends than it does about those two social medias. Young entrepreneurs one and all! The really good thing about aged decrepitude is that I have nothing to sell (I have a website for that) and no real causes to promote. Thus, for me, the social media really are social and I can jus...t say stuff I want to say to my friends without fear of a damaged public profile. Thus I am pleased to announce that I have had a life altering experience on the Transkaroo Mtbtour. Why you may ask? The scenery and hospitality was unbelievable. The Afrikaans hospitality knows no bounds. But I knew that before I started. What changed things for me was that from the time I said I would do it I stopped being "sick getting well" and became "well getting fit". For those that don't know, I have spent the years from 2007 till now in and out of hospital the whole time and the 2 years prior to 2007 on crutches. In that time I have had both hip joints cut out and replaced with steel ones and then a section of my gut removed when a tumour was found after a burst appendix. The guys I rode with on the Transkaroo Mtbtour let me suck their wheels till the final 20 kms and then no quarter was asked or given. Thanks for bringing me back to life guys. A finer bunch I have never ridden with; quality warriors one and all

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